16 thru 20 (of 121 total)
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CDT Training Inc. |
Contact: Thomas J. Patire
Non-lethal training training. These immediate response techniques encompass subject safety, personal well-being, third-party entry and department liability. |
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CenterMass Training Institute |
Provider of high quality, realistic law enforcement sniper/observer, patrol rifle instructor, and other training courses. Also conducts a patrol rifle instructor seminar. Seller of SWAT and Sniper logo and equipment items, to include the sharp-shooter rifle rest, data books, and other accessories. Sells manuals and equipment. Jeff Felts, President and Owner |
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Certificate In Terrorism Studies |
The world-renowned academic course, from the University of St Andrews (Scotland), providing participants with knowledge and understanding to counter the terrorism threat. Delivered by globally accessible online e-learning - all you need is an internet connection.
16 week course delivered online.
Intakes start January, May and September annually. Please see website for next start date. |
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Chameleon Associates |
Training and consulting company specializing in threat mitigation, counter terrorism and Predictive Profiling for clients in government, corporate, law enforcement and military sectors across the globe. |
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CJF Security |
CJF offers training programs in personal security, travel safety, workplace violence, crisis management, terrorism awareness, and family protection. Our training courses are consistent with current homeland security issues that require a methodical, logical process and evaluation of data. |
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