IACSP Tactical Training Directory ...

Companies 16 thru 20 (of 121 total) View 5 Latest

CDT Training Inc.
Contact: Thomas J. Patire Non-lethal training training. These immediate response techniques encompass subject safety, personal well-being, third-party entry and department liability.
CenterMass Training Institute
Provider of high quality, realistic law enforcement sniper/observer, patrol rifle instructor, and other training courses. Also conducts a patrol rifle instructor seminar. Seller of SWAT and Sniper logo and equipment items, to include the sharp-shooter rifle rest, data books, and other accessories. Sells manuals and equipment. Jeff Felts, President and Owner
Certificate In Terrorism Studies
The world-renowned academic course, from the University of St Andrews (Scotland), providing participants with knowledge and understanding to counter the terrorism threat. Delivered by globally accessible online e-learning - all you need is an internet connection. 16 week course delivered online. Intakes start January, May and September annually. Please see website for next start date.
Chameleon Associates
Training and consulting company specializing in threat mitigation, counter terrorism and Predictive Profiling for clients in government, corporate, law enforcement and military sectors across the globe.
CJF Security
CJF offers training programs in personal security, travel safety, workplace violence, crisis management, terrorism awareness, and family protection. Our training courses are consistent with current homeland security issues that require a methodical, logical process and evaluation of data.

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